Jake Halpern Reflection
I thought Jake’s talk was very interesting, and I really enjoyed hearing about his experiences. I actually read the article about the Ferguson shooting, so it was interesting to hear him talk about it in person. What really struck me with this piece was the bias that I had going in. From previous knowledge and just natural opinion, I didn’t begin reading that article with an open mind and even began to get frustrated when Jake showed humanity in officer Wilson. I saw it as a means of somewhat justifying what happened. However, after hearing his talk, I realized how unproductive it is to have preconceived notions about other people and situations...
Shino Yoshen Reflection
I enjoyed Shino’s talk and feel like I gained a lot more knowledge, as I previously didn’t have much insight into Muslim culture. One of the things I thought was interesting was when we discussed the question about whether or not all Muslims are sexist. Many people, like myself, who don’t know much about Muslim culture usually first associate the terms women and sexism with things like hijabs and burkas. People from western cultures assume that the men in that society have sexist views because it is traditional for women to be covered up. However, many people fail to see that the women covering themselves is really meant as a sign of respect towards them. Instead of objectifying them based on appearance, this tradition forces people to form relationships based on personality. Many of these women also believe that they should cover the majority of their body. They are not forced to by a “misogynistic culture”, but rather wear it because they feel more comfortable and more connected to their religion...
Oneika Raymond Reflection
While Oneika was on campus, she shared a great deal of insight about traveling, more specifically as a black woman. One of the main things that I took away from her presentation was that one shouldn’t allow money to hinder their ability to travel the world. While money can make traveling harder, there are a multitude of resources at our disposable. I think it is especially important to take advantage of these resources and opportunities in high school and college when they are available. Luckily, at Watkinson, the students are provided with many opportunities to travel and learn about new cultures and people while also serving their community...